Friday, October 3, 2008


whats up with these people today.. all they do is go on myspace anymore, or all the other sites similar to myspace.. idk why you would even waste your time.. ok i do have a myspace and i do waste my time on it, so you may ask, aint i being a little retarted when it comes to this.. well not really, cause i use my myspace, and similar sites to make an income stream.. how do you do this you may ask.. well i use my myspace to advertise all my websites and sites that bring me income.. hmmm not a bad idea considering how many people go on myspace on a daily basis and how many page hits the avg. myspacer gets. advertise everything on there, even comment your freinds that allow html codes so their friends can see the link.. belive me.. i posted up a few banners, and by the end of the night i had a major increase in traffic and clicks on the links.. which included two people signing up under me, in return making me more money...
this site will help you with a few links to get started on your way.. also, to get you on your way.. i would highly recomend you check this out.. its exactly like myspace, but you get paid for logging on, commenting, uploading and everything else you do on myspace.. please, feal free to check either of these links out for further information regarding this..

click the banner below for the BETTER myspace.!!

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